Gloria esl adult ed

Baldwin Park Adult & Community Education

Front Cover. Heide Spruck Wrigley, Gloria Jean Anne Guth. Aguirre International for the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education.

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Gloria began teaching ESL in the Wallingford Adult Education Program in After 21 years she left to become a full time middle school teacher. She has.

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Gloria esl adult ed

Gloria Martinez graduated from Baldwin Park Adult and Community Education ( BPACE) on June 11, She enrolled in ESL classes with Jennifer Martin.

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Gloria esl adult ed

Description:Immigrating to the U. She has maintained a high grade-point average, and has received several scholarships for Personal Achievement and Outstanding Academics. Accepted into the Mt. She has participated in the Bridge program as both a participant and later a peer advisor, and is very grateful for this program which helps students transition from High School to College. As a student advocate, Gloria wants to set up a scholarship to help other students at the Adult School and college programs and wants to help others like her continue their education.

Views: 5313 Date: 2018-11-13 Favorited: 69 favorites

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